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The Millennium Tales
For Readers, Age 9 plus

Mirror and the Beast tells the story of a solitary young prince, left alone in his castle, who gradually turns into a beast. As long as the evil mirror holds him prisoner, it seems that no one is able to help.
The beautifully produced MIRROR AND THE BEAST Story Workbook, Interactive Version, features narration, sound effects and music.
There once lived a young Prince. First his father died, and then his mother. Then his twin sister Amanda, whom he loved very much, went away to marry the King of Mireneh, leaving him quite alone. At first the Prince felt lonely, but gradually he got used to his solitude and even began to like it. For company he had a family of noisy swallows who nested in the branches of the rose tree. And when the swallows had all flown away, he would look for the tiny Watersprite who lived in a silver bubble at the bottom of the fountain.The Prince tried very hard to make friends with the Watersprite, but sometimes she was gay and bubbly and other times she was moody. Some mornings she would come floating up to talk to him, but very often she would not. And even though he woke up earlier and earlier each morning he could never catch the tiny glittering Sunsprite who slid over the hill at sunrise, but then raced away, without warning, leaving a trail of sundrops over the lawn.
So most of the time the Prince had no one to talk to, for he had sent away the gardener and the maidservants and the footmen and even the cook. Now this strange behaviour had started all the townspeople a-gossiping.
"Perhaps our young Prince is ill," they said. "Perhaps he is in grave danger and cannot send for help."
1. ( solitude ) being alone2. (_) feeling a little sad, being quiet
3. (_) birds with forked tails
4. (_) shining like gold
5. (_) made their nests
6. (_) little by little
7 (_) a sunny path
8. (_) serious
1. Why do you think the Prince sends everyone away from his castle?2. If you were the Prince, would you do the same thing?
3. Do you like being alone sometimes?
4. Why are the townspeople worried about the Prince?
Download the complete Mirror and the Beast Story
E-Workbook Interactive Format
- READ each story page on screen.
- CLICK the SOUND ICON to listen to the story narration, music & sound effects.
- CLICK on the EMPTY BOXES to type the answers to the questions on screen.
- ROLL the MOUSE to access the electronic answers on each page.
- RESPOND to the factual and discussion questions in a side bar on each page.
- FIND even more interactive literacy exercises, with ANSWER KEY included.
- PRINT Workbook, Teachers' Resources, Classroom Exercises and Play Script if desired.

SUPER IMPORTANT: To retain the embedded audio story and bookmarks, when downloading, please RIGHT CLICK each interactive PDF file (save as; save link as; save target as). Then SAVE TO and OPEN the file ON your desktop. Each INTERACTIVE STORY PAGE with audio narration may take a few minutes to fully download.
If the selected download file is initially blocked by Google Chrome browser, you can select the KEEP toggle button, rather than the DISCARD toggle button at the bottom of your screen, so as to successfully download the file. Alternatively, the Mozilla FIREFOX browser may allow instantaneous trouble-free downloads.

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What parents, children, teachers, librarians and book reviewers are saying about THE MILLENNIUM TALES

The story is beautifully narrated on a companion CD with music and sound effects. Useful for a Fairy Tale Unit or as an independent enrichment activity in a learning centre or resource room setting; these four workbooks encourage vocabulary enrichment, and critical and creative thinking through an entertaining medium that children will enjoy.
I used the PRINCE CHAMELEON WORKBOOK as a shared reading exercise. I found the work was pitched at exactly the right level. The story promoted a really interesting discussion, and the whole held the children’s attention throughout, giving rise to further discussion at a later date.
I have a three-year-old girl who is mesmerizd by the stories and pictures. Brilliant concept!
I liked the short excerpts. It fitted well with my short time slots, and the children were enthusiastic about doing the exercises.
The Prince Chameleon Workbook is most impressive—maybe our teachers can use it as a model,
The children were enchanted by Prince Chameleon ... spellbound.
In THE NORTHERN ISLE OF DREAMS, the author...has succeeded in writing a narrative that works at several levels and that will appeal to a variety of age groups.
The rich language makes learning enjoyable and rewarding.
It’s good because it encourages children to look up words they don’t know in the dictionary.
Nazia enjoyed listening to the PRINCE CHAMELEON story. Although recently arrived in the U.K. and struggling to learn English, she was very much attracted to the book and made a great effort to understand the audiotape and story.
Adolescent enthralled - by intriguing fairy tale, THE NORTHERN ISLE OF DREAMS.
The children found the language and imagery vivid and stimulating.
The children enjoyed both the stories and the tapes; even those pupils with language difficulties managed to follow quite well. The worksheets are very useful. I think what you are offering is ideal.
The children were really enthusiastic about adapting the story of PRINCE CHAMELEON into a playscript, and performing the play before an audience. Although the story’s theme and plot are complex, the children showed genuine insight into its meaning.
Thank you for the copy of the first workbook PRINCE CHAMELEON. It is very well produced.
My daughter read Prince Chameleon and managed to read the instructions, draw all the illustrations and complete the exercises without any help. She then took the book on holiday to India with her and returned with it in her schoolbag. Once school started again in September, she refused to part with it.
Thank you for THE MIRROR AND THE BEAST Workbook; I was absolutely enchanted by it. What you are doing at Prince_Chameleon Press is of vital importance – to expand the mind and imagination, and enrich the vocabulary of the upcoming generation
The tape is wonderful. I listen to it every day.

Meet the Creators of the

Prize-winning author and founder of Prince Chameleon Press

Artist, Graduate of the West Surrey College of Art and Design, U.K.

Narrator, Winner of the London, UK, Evening Standard Award for Best Actress, 2000

Musician, Technician, Record Producer for "blockhouse studios," BBC Radio and Radio Talk, UK
A Word to Teacher and Parent...
Its WORD WIZARD section offers a systematic approach to vocabulary enrichment, while being centered around the literature of Fable and Fairy Tale.
The PRINCE CHAMELEON WORD TREASURY and WHICH WORD DOESN’T BELONG? provide practice in associating and classifying ideas.
WHAT HAPPENED FIRST? provides practice in determining the correct time sequence of events.
Find out more about The_FUNLIT_Companion_CDs

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